What does community engagement mean to you?
Read on for what people are sharing about community engagement.

Community engagement empowers people to have a say about what makes a difference to them - important for empowering people to share.
Ideas about what community engagement means
- Trust - provides an opportunity for reliability and truth to be shared, every interaction is a building block.
- Understanding - through shared discussions community engagement helps everyone involved understand each others point of view, that includes both those engaged directly in the discussion and those reading along.
- Empowers people - allows people to have a say about what makes a difference to them.
- Relationships - is an important to first step in developing relationship.
- Learning - knowing with absolute certainty that in every community there is someone from whom I can learn.
- Accepting the individual - non-judgemental listening to the needs of the individual, in helping the community.
- Consistent - it means being consistently visible with a consistent message to build trust and understanding.
- Share without fear - able to engage in open conversations transparently for your own true values to be shared for all to see.
- ? - comment and share what community engagement means to you.