Daily Dose of Progress: How Consistency Can Transform Your Digital Marketing


Daily Dose of Progress: How Consistency Can Transform Your Digital Marketing

Let's build momentum together.

One of the common questions I've been getting lately is "how do I find time everyday to do my digital marketing?"

I don't have all the answers.

But what I do know is that by prioritising what's important, combining activities together and by making it a habit, then you can make progress towards your goals.

Take my own example: I'm recording a short video every day, and then sharing it with you as a daily reminder to post, share and engage with your audience. It only takes a minute or two to do, but it's enough to get the ball rolling.

So, if you want to make progress towards your goals, try this simple exercise: reply to the daily emails with one key thought/idea/tip/learning from the day before and at the end of the week I'll help you by turning what you share doing the week into a post for you to use.

Checkout how it works.

Every day is a chance to reflect on how you connect with your audience and to share with purpose
Imagine starting your day with a simple, actionable nudge that not only helps you engage your audience but also deepens your understanding of what resonates with them.

Share a comment, should the videos include pictures of what Joy my weimaraner (dog) is up to?

Don't forget to reply.